Welcome to TIB Development Bank Limited

Industrial Financing

The manufacturing sector remains relatively small, with most activities largely concentrated in the production of basic consumer products such as food, beverages, tobacco, textiles, furniture and wood allied products. The sector continues to be of considerable importance to the Tanzanian economy as it is still one of the sources of government revenue in terms of duties and other taxes. The bank’s Industrial Loan targets the following sub sectors:-

- Argo-processing

- Mining processing or extraction and processing

- General manufacturing.

Features of Products in this Sector

- Financing startup industries as well as existing industries attempting to increase production capacities

- Grace period during project development

- Best, affordable and flexible interest rate

- To avoid exchange rate loss; Loans available at currency of cash flows

- To avoid exchange rate loss; Loans available at currency of cash flows

- Shorter loan processing time.


- Enable customer to acquire brand new equipment and machinery for longer usage.

- Enable customer dream to own industry come true within a shorter period.

- We link our customer to commercial banks in accessing working capital (Overdraft) to enable production take-off

- Advice from bank industrial engineers and other bank experts

- Enables companies/institutions to invest without much constraint

- Promotes business and economic development in general, hence National development

Industrial Financing : Example of Agro-processing Industry
